Sunday, November 15, 2015

Birthday Party.

Well this week, November 19th is my birthday! Truly a year for milestones as I turn 30, the official age where I start to get old, but not only that but I'm fast approaching my 100th review! By Paizo's count I'm on my 93rd review but one of my most recent reviews, Mega Feats Revisited, was pulled from Paizo for review over it's sexual content so I'm saying that I'm on my 94th review, which means I have 6 more to go before getting to my 100th review. And since this is cutting close to my 30th birthday, the 100th review is going to go up on the morning of November 19th.

If you want to celebrate with me I have a Wishlist on Paizo and on DriveThruRPG.

So what is getting reviewed for my last 6 reviews until I hit 100?

The Animist, from Interjection Games

Secrets of the Masquerade Reveler from Rite Publishing.

Pure Steam from ICOSA

The Apothecary from Fat Goblin Games

Broken Earth

And Anachronistic Adventures from Rogue Genius Games.

But I'm willing to go one step beyond, (and also make the number on Paizo go to 100 instead of 99.) so I'm posting over on Paizo's forums for suggestions on one more review to do with the caveat that it has to have not been reviewed before November 15th. I will even pony up the cash and buy the pdf if need be.

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