Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Big Thanks to Fat Goblin Games

Here is a big thank you to Fat Goblin Games for the gift of several items from my DrivethruRPG wishlist. You may have noticed that as per my recent posting policy these items are now at the top of my review list taking place of my personal picks in between the (*) requested reviews. This is with the exception of Everyman Unchained: Skills and Options, which I put out just now, and a break in the order for Technology Unleashed due to very strong feelings towards that product in particular.

Also a big thanks for the first 5th Edition product on the list. Before that I'll post up my overview of 5th Edition so that everyone knows where I'm coming from. I'm also going to start adding 5th edition products to my DrivethruRPG wishlist. This does mean that from that point on I'm officially open to 5th edition products.

Another big change is that I'm going to soon remove my Paizo wishlist for practicality reasons. For one the little widget doesn't exactly work making it useless, but also I can post reviews on Paizo.com without having bought the product from them but the same isn't true for Drivethru RPG so I'm better off buying and receiving products from DrivethruRPG from now on. On a personal note, Paizo's pdfs come in a zip file that is labeled as the product but the unzipped files are often labeled in code making me have to rename it so that I can store it in a way that I can find it which is a pain in the butt.

Well that's it for now. I'll be back tomorrow with a new review for you and soon a surprise as I experiment with being a good game host.

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