Friday, April 1, 2016

Status Report: April 1st 2016

As you may have noticed the sidebar has some significant changes. I've put up a list of my upcoming reviews, not including retrospectives, and a list of sites to other places I visit frequently. I've also put up my Paizo wishlist and DrivethruRPG wishlist.

My review pace is rather low right now for a number of reasons. I have quite a few things to do for Infinity Matrix and my next review, Kineticists of Porphyra 2, is rather dense. I've also been working on a retrospective of Monk Unfettered which is more dense and I'm somewhat stuck on an upcoming post discussing whether or not Path of War is balanced. Past all that I'm running low on posts that I've already written but have not posted and at work the dreaded Magic: the Gathering prerelease is happening eating up a lot of time in addition to everything else this weekend (Next weekend is the actual release which will eat up more time.).

I'll get the next few reviews out before the end of next week and try to spend some free time creating a buffer of content so I can push something out at least once a weekday. Right now I mostly spend about three hours a day weekday on blog content so I'm looking into ways to monetize the blog so that the time spent is more worth it, and thus more time is spent on it. I thought about a Patreon but I don't think I'm at that stage yet. If anyone has any ideas please leave a comment but otherwise I think I'll start producing comics (I draw and paint believe it or not.), stock art and some 3pp content of my own leading up to sell-able compilations. Perhaps if that takes off I can eventually freelance. Also leave a comment if any of that is desirable just so I know have some idea as to whether or not I actually have an audience.

Also if if you have a blog or Pathfinder related site and want me to put your link on the sidebar, email me at and we can exchange links.

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