Friday, March 11, 2016

The Fate of the Blog

You may have noticed a few additions to this blog. Unfortunately this means that the nature of the blog is changing which I hope is for the better. These changes are going to happen gradually but they're going to happen.

I have over a hundred reviews of third party products at but only about 30 on the blog. What I've already started doing is post old reviews to this blog and adding tags so that they can be more easily accessed using the labels on the side bar. I'll also be adjusting some of the old reviews to express my experience with a product from having it for a while. After all, my first review was two years ago and I had started buying third party Pathfinder products a while before that.

You may have noticed that there are ads floating around, depending on how you're viewing this. All things considered I don't expect much to come out of it but if you want to thank me by giving me 0.0012% of a hamburger then click on an ad I guess.

Eventually this blog will no longer be a Pathfinder blog. Or at least not exclusively. I'll be talking about other RPGs that interest me from time to time before eventually expanding to other kinds of table top gaming. I really love Pathfinder so it will be my primary focus but I've been making some long term plans for my online presence and I didn't want to lock myself into Pathfinder exclusiveness too early, especially since it's not the only game I play or hobby I have. Eventually I'll have a strip-like comic popping up here in between reviews and musings.

I also will not be exclusively talking about third party products anymore, hopefully starting with Paizo's Ultimate Intrigue. This is because while I am quite enamored with great third party products the base game is still important so I'll be making comments about things as I get my hands on them.

I had to rethink how I wanted to do some series of posts and decided that before going forward with my 'Classics' posts and 'Infinity Matrix' posts I needed to do things differently. Infinity Matrix is going to be a part of a new super-series of homebrew campaigns I run (I have a lot) divided by campaign. Each campaign is very theme driven so it gives me a chance to delve deeper into how I use third party material to make my discussions on products more useful than simply noting what I liked and why I liked them. This will include maps, NPC stat blocks and house rules. My eventual intention is to generate enough content to compile into sell-able product every once and a while. The future of that is relatively shaky so I'll talk more about it later. 

I will also start making monthly updates for my general review schedule and adding more sidebars to make information more available. I kind of made this blog on a whim but as I spend time on it I want it to be a bit more so once I get some personal business out of the way I really want to focus on building content and making this blog something that people will want to visit often and make it a more meaningful blip on the web. As I gain more resources there will be more kinds of content and hopefully this blog will have a great future.

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